Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A precious gift....

Right before Christmas, far from home, family and friends, I was pleasantly surprised with a wonderful gift. Even though I knew to expect a package from far away, I was still caught unawares when I un-wrapped a beautiful portrait drawn for me by artist Astera Torralba.

I received it on a day when I had just seen snow for the first time in my life. I’d had a spout of illness and troubles in the weeks beforehand, yet on this day a calm and tranquility settled upon my soul, and I was perfectly happy.The detail she infused this piece with is intricate and obviously a work of love, I am very very humbled to have received such a wonderful gift! She writes a beautiful post about the process on her blog, here.

 Thank you dear Astera!

1 comment:

Oh! How did you know? I absolutely adore comments, thank you! :-) I appreciate all the feedback I get xx